Feb 12, 2009

Bagaimana Memandang Kehidupan?

Seorang tim Aidianet yang saat ini sedang berusaha menyelesaikan Doktor-nya di Jepang mengirimkan gambar-gambar berikut. Walau bukan hasil karyanya sendiri, namun hal ini patut dibaca oleh semua orang. Suatu renungan akan kehidupan...

Skills, knowledge, abilities and experiences are only useful if you are at the right place!

Where are you know ?

Smooth roads never make good drivers.
Smooth sea never makes good sailors.
Clear skies never makes good pilots.

Problem and hassle free life never makes a strong person.
Be strong enough to accept the challenges of life.

Don't ask life, "Why me?"
Instead say, "Try me!"