Nov 13, 2008

Bagaimana Membuat Rangkuman yang Baik

If you have had summarize task, you should read the following summarize tricks.

Making summary is to take core from the subject that purpose to understand the items easily.

When making summary, better pay attention to things below:
  1. Select a main sentence,
  2. Not all clause to be copied,
  3. Mentioning expert names along with his opinion (mentioning book title written by that expert, if any),
  4. Mentioning year when important event take place,
  5. Inserting illustration to make summary attract and easy to memorized.

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How if teacher give type rule? For example summary have to be typed on A4 paper, minimum 5 sheets, margin 3 - 4 - 3 - 3, font size 12, space 1,5, and so on. Being a creative pupil and clever to make strategy without disregarding teacher's command.

As teacher give type rule, paying attention to following tricks:
  1. Obey the rule given by teacher,
  2. Make strategy by made every main sentence become points. Use "Bullets" if typed in "Word". Then set space between "Bullets" (before and after) becoming 6 pt,
  3. Inserting interesting pictures which is represent the sentence,
  4. Use font which its original size is bigger than others font. For example: Verdana, Copperplate, Comic Sans, etc.
  5. May also be inserted illustration like diagram, table, and chart if enabling.

See Also
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