Making summary is to take core from the subject that purpose to understand the items easily.
When making summary, better pay attention to things below:
- Select a main sentence,
- Not all clause to be copied,
- Mentioning expert names along with his opinion (mentioning book title written by that expert, if any),
- Mentioning year when important event take place,
- Inserting illustration to make summary attract and easy to memorized.
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How if teacher give type rule? For example summary have to be typed on A4 paper, minimum 5 sheets, margin 3 - 4 - 3 - 3, font size 12, space 1,5, and so on. Being a creative pupil and clever to make strategy without disregarding teacher's command.
As teacher give type rule, paying attention to following tricks:
- Obey the rule given by teacher,
- Make strategy by made every main sentence become points. Use "Bullets" if typed in "Word". Then set space between "Bullets" (before and after) becoming 6 pt,
- Inserting interesting pictures which is represent the sentence,
- Use font which its original size is bigger than others font. For example: Verdana, Copperplate, Comic Sans, etc.
- May also be inserted illustration like diagram, table, and chart if enabling.
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